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品牌: rogerwell,进口网关
型号: EIB转Lonworks协议
单价: 面议
起订: 1 个
供货总量: 100000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-03-12 14:46
浏览次数: 159


LON interface of IntesisBox reads continuously by polling the LON devices configured, no bindings are required between IntesisBox and the LON devices. All the updated readings are maintained in IntesisBox memory for immediate interaction with the KNX system when needed. The IntesisBox KNX EIB interface connects directly to the KNX bus and is opto-isolated from the rest of internal electronics.
LON devices can be addressed either using Neuron-Id (physical address) or subnet/node (commissioned devices). IntesisBox has the ability to declare devices as commissioned, if needed, thus avoiding the need for a LON integration tool for commissioning (i.e. LonMaker).
IntesisBox KNX series are configured using LinkBoxEIB, a software tool for windowsTM which is supplied along with the purchase of IntesisBox with no additional cost. With the standard installation of LinkBoxEIB, some Demo projects for integration of LON devices of the main manufacturers of Air Conditioners are provided (DAIKIN, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy, Toshiba…). Using these demo projects makes the engineering needed for this kind of integration extremely easy and quick.

MODBUS 转BACnet/IP网关 EIB转BACnet /IP modbus RTU转 lonworks BACnet网关 EIB转Lonworks协议 modbus rtu 转EIB

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